Purchasing notes (2)
10/26/2021 9:48:43PM
If you plan to buy several products from us in one day or you have your regular purchases on the same day, it is better to add all the goods to your shopping cart and pay together. Please check with the seller before paying because some items must be purchased separately.
If you have a discount coupon (in the form of a check below the price of the product), ask the seller before the coupon whether the coupon should be applied or not. For some goods, the coupon is mandatory and for some it should not be applied. Note that if you apply the coupon, you can not easily remove the coupon from your purchase and you may miss the opportunity to purchase and review the product.
Before buying a product, make sure that you or someone who shares a postal address with you has not reviewed the product you want. If your roommate or spouse, for example, has reviewed a headphone, you can never review the same headphone.
Before buying the product, check the name of the store (Sold by). If you have reviewed one of the products in this store during the past month, it is better to postpone your purchase from this store to one month after your previous purchase.
Do not click This order contains a gift option at all, because your review may not appear as "Verified Purchase" and there will be a problem in refunding the amount of goods to your account.
Try to take a screenshot of the purchase using the Amazon app because all the information required by the seller, including the order number, time and amount of payment, and the time of receipt of the goods can be seen in it and does not include additional information. Never send your name and address to the seller, which may be visible in the screenshot of the website. In this case, delete your personal information from the screenshot with paint software.
For PayPal, never send a screenshot of your account. Just typing the email attached to PayPal is enough for the seller. Do not provide any contact information including telephone, mobile and address to the seller
If you buy a lot of items from us, it is better to prepare an Excel file for yourself and enter the seller's name, store name, product description, purchase time, receipt time, review time, refund conditions and similar information to keep an item out of your sight.